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Eiffel Scholarship Program of Excellence

The Eiffel Excellence Scholarship programme was set up by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs. This programme is intended for international students.

Duration of the scholarship

Master's level

  • a maximum of 12 months when enrolling in an M2
  • a maximum of 24 months when enrolling in an M1
  • a maximum of 36 months for the completion of an engineering degree

Areas of Study

For Science and Technology

  • Biology and Health
  • Ecological Transition
  • Mathematics and Digital
  • Engineering Sciences

For Humanities and Social Sciences

  • History, French language and civilization
  • Law and political science
  • Economics and management

Eligibility requirements

Warning: read la réglementation de référence to check the eligibility of your application

Be of foreign nationality: this programme is reserved for candidates of foreign nationality. Candidates with dual nationality, one of whom is French, are not eligible.

Be no more than 25 years old: applicants must be no more than 25 years old on the date of the selection committee, i.e. born after 31 March 1998.

The training courses concerned

  • Eligible applicants are those who are likely to enter a course leading to a Master's degree, including engineering schools.
  • Only courses accredited by the French State are accepted.
  • French courses located abroad are not accepted.
  • Courses under an apprenticeship or professional training contract are not eligible for Eiffel Scholarships.

No accumulation of grants:

  • Foreign students already receiving a French government grant under another programme at the time of application are not eligible, even if the grant only covers social security.
  • The Eiffel scholarship cannot be combined with an Erasmus + scholarship, nor with a scholarship from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie. If a laureate finds himself in this case, he will have to give up one of the two grants. 

Single application:

  • The application of a student whose file was not retained during a previous selection is not admissible, even if this application is presented by a different institution or in another field of study.
  • The application of a student who has already benefited from an Eiffel scholarship at master's level is not admissible for this same level.
  • A candidate presented by more than one institution will have his/her application rejected

The application must be submitted by French institutions

Preparation and submission of the application

► Register on this form  pour créer votre login, puis

► Login to fill in  this information form . You will need the following information:

  • your diplomas, grades, rankings,
  • your CV
  • the course you wish to follow at the University of Strasbourg.

► Download the PDF version once you have completed your entry.  

► Prepare attachments according to the format instructions (see box below) (3MB maximum)

► Send the file by e-mail to the Master's coordinator before 24 November 2023, copying it to dri-bourses@unistra.fr for the follow-up of the case

  • Your file must contain: the information form (PDF) and all attachments in the requested format (one pdf per attachment 3 MB max).

Applications will be evaluated by the components and then sent by the International Relations Department to Campus France.

Bon à savoir


  • Contact the person in charge of the course you are interested in as soon as possible in order to check your eligibility and the coherence of your project.
  • You will find the contact details of the Master's and Engineering Diploma managers in the course descriptions or with the relevant faculty.
  • You can only apply for the Eiffel scholarship once; it is therefore important that your application is well prepared.  


  • Write a structured e-mail presenting your motivation and interest in order to establish a first quality contact with the person responsible for the course you are interested in.  An e-mail such as "I would like to have the Eiffel scholarship, how can I do it?" will not encourage your contact person to talk to you.

Sending of the documents to be attached by the candidate to the Master's supervisor before Friday 24 November 2023

Bon à savoir

► Instructions that must be followed

  • Send 1 PDF per document 
  • Follow the instructions for the file name
  • Maximum file size: 3MB (megabytes). Files larger than this will not be considered. Your file will not be accepted.
  • Make sure that the documents you send are of good quality and clear for the study of your application


File name

Your completed information form  Name_First name_Candidature.pdf
A photocopy of your passport or identity document containing the following information: surname, first name, date of birth and passport number (this information must be legible). Name_First name_Passeport.pdf
Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) written in French or English, on one or two pages specifying your academic background and your professional experience if applicable. Name_First name_CV.pdf
Your diplomas and ranking: any document attesting to your excellence. Specify your performance: mention, rank, situation within the class, number of students in the class, diplomas with indication of the speciality, date obtained, mentions and final marks certified by the institution.  Name_First name_Classement.pdf
Your language certificate or diploma (if applicable).  Name_First name_Langues.pdf
Your transcripts for the last three years referring to an academic career completed both in France and abroad (with certified translation and ECTS -European Transfer Credit System- equivalence if necessary)  Name_First name_Notes.pdf
Your professional project written in French or English, on one or two pages. You should write your project in a way that explains the choice of studying in France in relation to your previous studies and your future professional career. This presentation may be supported by an opinion from outside the institution, for example from a company.  Name_First name_Projetpro.pdf


Submission of the application file by the degree supervisor to the Non-Erasmus Mobility Unit before Wednesday 6 December 2023

► The candidate's application file with all the attachments provided

► with :

  • Additional information on your application using the form Eiffel, volet Master- Dossier responsable de formation ;
  • The course outline and timetable in a single PDF (maximum 3MB) ;
  • In the case of a bidiploma (award of a double degree), the agreement and specify the procedure implemented between the institutions.

The Master's supervisor will indicate by e-mail to dri-bourses@unistra.fr (Mobility Pole except Erasmus+) the submission of successful applications on the dedicated seafile communicated internally.

Communication of results: April 2024

Campus France will communicate the list of winners in April 2024 to the institutions and successful candidates.


Informations de contact

Leslie Papigny

Mobility Grants Manager (AMI, Unistra, Idex, Mobilitwin, Eiffel)


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