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AUF Project Call: Encouraging dynamic multi-/plurilingualism in higher education

A project selected in 2022 as part of the AUF Co//ective program - Western Europe Directorate

With a €20,000 grant from the AUF-Western Europe Directorate, the MUDExI project titled “Dynamic multi-/plurilingualism, breeding ground for inclusive excellence in teaching higher education", offered an in-depth analysis of multilingual policies and practices in several higher education isntitutions members of ANIME. It was led by the University of Strasbourg in partnership with 4 other universities and an NGO (see the list below).

The objective of the MUDExI project was to examine, strengthen and act on the concept of dynamic multi-/plurilingualism, both institutional and individual, in close relation to the principles of inclusion and excellence in the context of higher education and research.

Another goal was the continuous improvement of HEI practices, in the areas of production and transmission of knowledge, as well as in the area of ​​staff training.

Member universities of the MUDExI consortium:

  1. University of Strasbourg (France)
  2. Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)
  3. Babes Bolyai University (Romania)
  4. University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
  5. European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism (ECSPM)

Throughout 2023, four actions were implemented:

  • Action 1, coordinated by the University of Strasbourg: Inventory of language policies and language practices within the ANIME network, with regard to the concept of multi-/plurilingualism dynamic. 
  • Action 2, coordinated by the European Civil Society Platform for Multilingualism (ECSPM): Case study on linguistic mediation in the classroom, aiming to offer and develop new skills in linguistic mediation.
  • Action 3, coordinated by the University of Strasbourg: Summer school in Strasbourg on “Gender equality across languages ​​and cultures. The case of inclusive language", in order to experiment with multilingual teaching and learning practices, and to raise awareness among higher education stakeholders of complex plurality and linguistic otherness, while ensuring the transmission of a set of collective references (Erasmus+ BIP).
  • Action 4, coordinated by Sofia St Kliment Ohridski University: Autumn school on mutual understanding in a multicultural and multilingual framework: “Promoting intercomprehension and multilingualism in higher education” (Erasmus+ BIP) combined with the closing conference of the MUDExI project and the annual ANIME event at Sofia St Kliment Ohridski University.

*COLLECTIF aims to identify and support innovative forms of deployment at the international level, of scientific and institutional cooperation actions by teams and higher education and research institutions.

First Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - « Europe in times of crises : from integration to inclusion ? », Strasbourg, France

Sixteen students and two staff members participated in the first Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) designed by the University of Strasbourg, in collaboration with three ANIME universities: Babes Bolyai University in Cluj Napoca, Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski University and Palacky University Olomouc.

This innovative programme titled “Europe in times of crises: from integration to inclusion?" included both a virtual session and five days of in-person activities, held from July 4 to July 8, 2022, in Strasbourg. Through a combination of disciplinary courses and cultural visits, it aimed at questioning the difference between integration and inclusion in the European context.

→ Learn more about the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) designed by the University of Strasbourg

Second Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) - « Egalité des genres à travers les langues et les cultures. Le cas du langage inclusif ? », Strasbourg, France

L’université d’été « Égalité des genres à travers les langues et les cultures. Le cas du langage inclusif. » prendra la forme d’un Programme Intensif Hybride (Blended Intensive Programme), nouveau format de mobilité proposée par la programmation Erasmus+ 2021/2027.
Ce programme alterne activités virtuelles et mobilité physique de courte durée qui intègre des activités d’enseignement et de formation. Il doit permettre d’atteindre plusieurs objectifs, aussi bien professionnels que personnels :

  • Développer de nouvelles connaissances ou se spécialiser dans ou hors de son domaine de compétences   
  • Partager une expérience unique à l’étranger
  • Découvrir la mobilité physique dans des domaines où celles-ci est limitée ou pour ceux qui ne souhaitent pas partir pour une longue durée à l’étranger
  • Faire de nouvelles rencontres ou renforcer ses relations professionnelles

L’établissement organisateur prend en charge les frais liés au programme, à l’exception du transport, des repas et des logements qui sont pris en charge par les établissements partenaires par l’intermédiaire de bourses Erasmus+ versées aux participants.

→ Learn more about the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) designed by the University of Strasbourg

Third Blended Intensive Programme - "Promoting Intercomprehension and Multilingualism," Sofia, Bulgaria, November 2023

The Co//ectif MUDExI project, under the leadership of the Vice President for Europe and International Relations and coordinated by the Office of International Relations aims to explore, strengthen, and take action on the concept of dynamic multi/plurilingualism in higher education. This initiative receives support from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie

As part of this project, our Bulgarian partners at Sofia St Kliment Ohridski University are organising a Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) from Tuesday, November 21 to Saturday, November 25, 2023, with the theme: "Promoting Intercomprehension and Multilingualism in Higher Education."

The programme encompasses both a virtual session (on November 13, 2023) and five days of in-person activities in Sofia (from November 21 to November 25, 2023). It will bring together students and university personnel from various countries and universities.

Students, doctoral candidates, faculty members, and administrative staff from the University of Strasbourg are eligible to participate. Those selected will receive a short-term Erasmus+ mobility grant to assist in covering travel and accommodation expenses.


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